Think you deserve a raise? Has it been awhile since your last salary increase? I’m sure you can relate to having a need for more money.
I bet you can also relate to feeling anxious and unsure about how to ask for a raise!
Speaking to your boss about a work-related subject is nerve-wrecking enough, am I right?
Asking for a raise can increase that tension and nervousness to overwhelming levels — which is why many employees choose not to ask at all.
Keep in mind though, this seemingly impossible task is much simpler than you might think, as long as you follow a few suggestions.
Take a deep breath (go ahead, I’ll wait…) and get ready to set that meeting with your boss.
Don’t worry, I’m going to equip you with the 3 best tips for requesting a raise.Read more: How To Ask For A Raise And Get It: 3 Things You Should Do When Requesting A Raise At Work